26 May 2013 - 27 May 2013, 10:00 - 17:00
Sobell Sports Centre (Main Hall), London
Our invitation extends to all JFAUK members, associates and all members of the World Judo Federation including all judoka with a valid, up to date licence from any governing body.
Lunch will commence for one hour between 1.00pm and 2.00pm.
The Course will cover:
- Judo aerobics
- Judo gymnastics.
- Cardiovascular, speed Flexibility strength exercises
- Explanation of judo related exercise and the role they play in the judo
- Ukemi Waza (the fun way)
- Coordination and balance exercise helping with speed and flexibility
- Technical development training methods standing / groundwork
- Counters combination techniques standing /Groundwork
- Preventative methods against throws, hold downs, strangles and arm-locks
- Randori
JFAUK welcomes you, and looks forward to your involvement and participation.