Judo Dad

The Australian Kodokan Judo Association’s principal charter is to preserve the original doctrines of Judo, as espoused by Judo’s founder Dr Jigoro Kano. The Association’s chosen name of “Kodokan” is a reference or salutation to the birth place of judo, ...

The V.A.J.U. is an organisation which promotes the safe and fun pursuit of Kodokan Judo in Victoria, Australia We strive to make good individuals better characters and community members. As the members practice Kodokan Judo they will naturally attain a ...

VU Judo Club caters for all levels of fitness and ability, and is open to university students, staff and friends.
As a non-profit organization we strive to be the best at serving our members while keeping fee ...

St Albans Judo Club is a female friendly judo club and caters for all levels of fitness and ability. Beginners are welcome, no experience is needed! As a non-profit organization we strive to be the best at serving our members while keeping fees low and ...